Helping Australia to seize the extraordinary economic opportunities of the post–carbon world

Open Data

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Nov 18, 2024

The New Energy Trade: Harnessing Australian renewables for global development

World-first analysis of the superpower trade finds Australia could contribute up to 9.6% of the world's emissions reductions while generating six to eight times larger revenues than those typical from Australian fossil fuel exports.

The Superpower Institute’s mission is to position Australia as a global leader in the post-carbon economy.

By harnessing the nation's abundant natural resources and mineral wealth, Australia can achieve economic prosperity and significantly reduce global emissions through the development and export of green, energy-intensive commodities.

If this opportunity is seized, we foresee a period of economic growth that surpasses the mining era, characterised by real wage growth, full employment, and a foundation for inclusive, multigenerational economic growth that will benefit communities across the nation.

Open Data Projects

Ensuring an effective transition to a zero-carbon economy requires transparent and accessible energy and emissions data. Committed to this necessity, the Superpower Institute developed the Open Accessible Auditable Data (OAAD) framework.

Tracking Australia's electricity transition

Open Electricity enhances public access to National Electricity Market (NEM) and Wholesale Electricity Market (WEM) data, aiming to improve energy literacy and facilitate informed discussions on Australia’s energy transition for the long-term benefit of consumers.

Measuring Australia’s methane emissions

Open Methane is a free, open-source platform for detecting, measuring and locating Australia’s methane emissions. Utilising satellite observations and environmental modelling, it provides an up-to-date, content-scale view of methane emissions across Australia.